Last week I decided to resurect an old project : I figured it was a good opportunity to try out Laravel Jetstream ! As this project only use github OAuth login, I disabled most of the Laravel Fortify features. It was all quite str...
You know when you meet someone who's single, you are trying to console them by saying things like "don't worry, there is a person for everyone". No matter who you are, there's somewhere, someone right for you. I don't think so I think...
Ingrédients 1 oignon 3 blancs de poireaux Huile d'olive brins de thym 400g de pâtes courtes (conchigliettes / pennes) 250g ricotta 1 gousse d'ail 80g parmesan Sel et poivre Lardons ou poulet fumé en morceaux Préparation P...
"IoC" stands for Inversion of Control and I already talked about it in my PHP Course : What Is Dependency Injection As for the "Container", also called Dependency Injection Container , Service Container , or DI Container ,...
"Callback hell" is a term I've never heard off before discussing asynchronous javascript during a job interview. As soon as I got home, I checked it out. Basically, when you want to write asynchronous code in javascript, you end up usi...
C'est le grand et beau Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn du Seigneur des Anneaux ) qui incarne le personnage du père dans La route , adaptation cinématographique du roman de Cormac McCarthy ( No country for old men , adapté par les frères Coen) relatant l...
Ingrédients 300g saumon fumé 1 courgette 1 poireau 1 brocoli Ciboulette 1 oignon Ail 200g fromage fondu à tartiner (philadelphia / madame loïk) 250ml crème légère 400g macaronis huile d'olive Bouillon légume sel et poivre...
Never do anything that you cannot undo before you clearly understood what you won't be able to do after you do it
You've finished building the next big SaaS and you want now to pimp your homepage to make it more attractive ? You're in the right place. Here's a few things you can do: Email database A good way to get your hand on a new customer is to get hi...
In this quick tutorial we will see how we can use, in a Nuxt FrontEnd project, the translations that are store in a backend project. In your nuxt project you will want to fetch the nuxt-i18n package: yarn add nuxt-i18n In nuxt.config.js...
With the latest release of Laravel 8 and laravel Nova 3.9, the minimum required PHP version is 7.4.9 On my mac I had php 7.4.7 To make this very small update, it's actually a bit more complicated that you might think. With homebrew you want to...
Ingrédients 290g farine non blanchie ou type 55 25g de sucre en poudre 5g de sel 6g de levure instantanée 10g de miel 50g de lait frais 125g d'eau à 30° 25g de beurre très mou 125g de beurre à 20° 1 oeuf Préparation Prene...
Ingrédients 600 grammes de légumes divers un gros oignon ou deux petits 100 g de branches de céleri une pomme de terre ou une courgette 1L d'eau 1 cube bouillon Viande ou Légume feuilles de laurier Thym Préparation Fair...
Une nouvelle fois, c'est au détour de quelques pages internet que je tombe sur cette petite perle de l'animation et de réflexion. Le projet s'intitule "Every day the same dream" et se déroule sous la forme d'un mini jeu en flash sur inte...
I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.
more about meBTC
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