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How to get all Gmail Contacts with Laravel 5

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Hi folks ! New quick tutorial today on how to retrieve your user's google contacts with Google API in Laravel 5 . Ok, to explain a bit how I did it, I first need to set everything in context. If you want to skip and get into it right now, jus...

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How To Build An Efficient and SEO Friendly Multilingual Architecture in Laravel - UPDATED GUIDE

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This is a remastered version of my previous tutorials How To Build An Efficient and SEO Friendly Multilingual Architecture For Your Laravel Application and Laravel 5 And His F*cking non-persistent App SetLocale . This update was needed so we co...

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The Ultimate Like System For Laravel Thanks To Many to Many Polymorphic Relationships

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Several months ago I wrote an article on How to create a Simple Like System For Laravel . In the comment of this article, a cool guy asked me about using a "Many to Many Polymorphic Relationship" for this "Like" logic. I found...

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Texte Fiction : témoignage d'un espoir d'avance révolu.

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"La cupidité des hommes ravage la planète Terre, et de nouvelles espèces s'éteignent chaque jour. De plus en plus avides d'énergie, nous avons dévasté les ressources de notre planète. Nous nous sommes enfoncés jusqu'au cou dans un bain de salet...

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Cinéma : "The Expendables" & "Piranha 3D"

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The Expendables Reprise cinéma cette semaine avec ces critiques courtes, vous le verrez, mais bien suffisantes. Autant ce nouveau film de Stallone vous en mettre plein les yeux grâce à une dizaine d'explosions à la minute, autant il pourra vou...

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Cinéma : Twilight 3 hésitation éclipse machin

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Oui oui, je reprends bien mes critiques ciné avec Twilight, qui ne mérite évidement pas cet incroyable honneur. Cette critique sera d'ailleurs bien courte, car, comme le dit Bella après 45 minutes de film : "C'est ridicule." En effet ! A...

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How To Remember Your Git Credentials Forever

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Tired of always having to type your login and password when executing git pull on your server? So do I. Here's an helper command that will remember your credentials so you don't have to type anything than your pull command. This is particularl...

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Routing issue with Laravel Nova and a VueJS SPA

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As I was installing Laravel Nova into one of my new projects, which is a full VueJS Single Page Application with vue-router, I encountered a weird issue: When I headed to the Nova admin panel, everything was empty. The layout is there but the cont...

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The 4 Roles You Should Expect From A Consultant

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Whatever you read on the web about consulting and what consultants actually do, which is a huge ton of bullet points, let me summarize it for you. Free of charge 😉 Of course, the actual complete list of tasks you should expect from a consultant g...

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Email Yourself When Someone Encounter An Error In Your Laravel Application

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Did you ever feel anxious about deploying a large application in production for the first time ? You are afraid that there are still some bugs somewhere, because you don't have a full testing team to report everything to you ? And you wonder : &quot...

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2018 Retrospective

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This is the first time that I'm writing such an "edito" about analyzing what happened in the past year, and what are the goals for next year. But this is also my first year that I'm fully freelance, and that I started building stuff on my...

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How To Convert A Video File To GIF with PHP

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First you will need to install the linux package ffmpeg sudo apt-get install ffmpeg In your PHP Project, install the php-ffmpeg package composer require php-ffmpeg/php-ffmpeg Assuming you have the full local path of the video to co...

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Informations about this website

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Hello guys, I am currently buidling this website using only opensource technologies and tools. This blog is actually an opensource project itself, based on the famous PHP Framework Laravel 5 . The purpose of this project is to provide a full fe...

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To use a package or to build it from scratch ?

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Many times in your awesome developer life, when you're starting to think about how you're going to build the next feature for a website, you wonder "is there a package for that ?". And most of the time, there is one! Should you use one...

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Mandatory VS Code extensions for PHP Developers

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VS Code is a powerful and versatile IDE, but out of the box, it doesn't have much support for PHP developers. Fortunately, the PHP community made several extensions that makes VS Code a robust editor. Here's the most important extensions you need...

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about me

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I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.

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