Routing issue with Laravel Nova and a VueJS SPA
As I was installing Laravel Nova into one of my new projects, which is a full VueJS Single Page Application with vue-router, I encountered a weird issue:
When I headed to the Nova admin panel, everything was empty. The layout is there but the content was not loaded.
I then opened the Chrome Dev Tools and I noticed that all requests going through the route prefix /nova-api/
responded with a 404, or with the base layout of my VueJS SPA.
MMMMHHH - Something's wrong with the routing!
In my routes/web.php file I had this:
Route::get('/{any}', 'HomeController@index')->where('any', '.*');
If you ever build a VueJS SPA with Laravel, you probably have this too into your route files.
So it seems that all /nova-api/
routes fall into this specific route.
We can fix that by updating the regex.
Here is the Solution
Route::get('/{any}', 'HomeController@index')->where('any', '^(?!nova-api).*$');
Now everything should work as expected !
Happy Coding ;)
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