I guess we all know Laravel Forge and Laravel Envoyer, which is probably the best combination of hosting and deploying Laravel applications. However, maybe you don't use Laravel Forge because you have your own dedicated server on which you host se...
Text by Robin Hobb , famous english book author and mother, about the difficulty of writing her books while parenting. This applies to every type of profession and hobbies, so I thought it would be a good idea to share it here. Not long ago,...
You surely encountered this use keyword in php countless times, in different situations. Isn't that a bit funny that the same exact keyword is used in different contexts, for very different reasons? Let's review all places where this keyword ´us...
As you surely know, tons of website today features a floating bubble, often in the bottom right of your screen, that you can click to talk with the website administrator. On other websites, you can't really talk to them, but you can send them mess...
Since Laravel 5.3, Laravel Passport is the main way to authenticate an API consumer with an access token. I say it's the main way because it's the only way described in the Laravel documentation. Simply try to search "auth:api" on th...
Avec "Avatar", James Cameron nous fait visiter le paradis. Durant plus de 2 heures et demi époustouflantes et très touchantes, ce spectacle explosant vous en mettra plein la vue en vous plongeant dans un monde imaginaire, tout en mettant...
Since 2014 I'm working as a Laravel Freelance. With the help of a good friend and associate, I was able to get two or three long term clients for which I'm working regularly. Last year I met another Laravel developer who wanted to start as a freel...
Cet après-midi, c'est la course aux articles en retard! Je continue donc ma lancée en essayant tant bien que mal de vous pondre quelques critiques sympas sans perdre trop de temps ! Ce nouveau film de Bertrand Tavernier (Dans la brume électrique), a...
If you're building a website where you create content, or where your users post content (like a job board or something), then sometimes you might want to send an email to a list of users to let them know new content is available. An easy solution...
Whenever I start working on new application or a new feature, I wonder if someone from the Laravel Community already developed a package that I can use. And most of the time, the answer is yes . It's impossible to thanks the community enough for...
So my typical workflow when working on a client's application is to have a "dev" environment on my server, and the production environment is sometimes also on my server. I push my code on the branch "develop" of the project's g...
In 2013 I launched my first Startup. It was quite a big deal. I was only 21 and I quit my job after only one year (it was my first job). The Startup wasn't too original, it was basically a web agency for other startups in Paris... We were 2 frie...
Eeeeeeeh oui! Il fallait bien débuter la catégorie ciné avec un premier article! Trop d'honneur pour ce "film", je vous l'accorde... Bref! Ce blogbuster devait bien être vu, ou pas, en tant que film-événement ayant généré la troisième...
So I was looking for a new consultancy assignement for 2019 and I got this interview in a company, for a developer position. I arrive at the company's office, accompanied by a HR manager. She rings the interphone and announce that we are there....
In AngularJS there one thing that you cannot do properly: Call a controller's method from another controller. In order to do that you must use $broadcast() and $watch() in both controllers. In my opinion, you should avoid using all these $ methods f...
I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.
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