spatie/laravel-backup is an amazing Laravel Package that allows you to automatically send backups of your laravel application to an AWS S3 Bucket. It's good practice to regularly trigger a "DB only" backup. What about automatic restore...
I have this very specific project running in PHP 7.4 on my machine with Laravel Valet. It's a front end application in vuejs with a separate back end and they are communicating through an API. There's a page that makes a lot of requests in one g...
TL;DR : A Mixin is a script file containing some logic that you can import into a vuejs component. It is structured exactly like in the script tag of a classic component. It's main objective is to prevent re-writing the same logic in multiple compon...
How to use a Presenter class Super simple! class BookPresenter extends Presenter { public function __construct( public Book $book ) {} public function price() { return number_format($this->book->price, 2); } }...
Another Design Pattern to cover in PHP are the Transformers . This one is really simple to understand. It allows you to return an object to another format in a re-usable way. For laravel developers, this is mostly done through Resources . Fo...
TL;DR A repository is an interface-signed class that encapsulate all SQL queries in specific methods. The repository class is then injected into your controller methods using dependency injection. You use the class methods instead of running sql q...
A ambitious man sees a castle on the horizon. He wants to have a big castle too. He goes to an old, wise man and tells him, "you see this castle ? I want the same one. I want my own empire". The wise man thinks for a second and says &q...
VS Code is a powerful and versatile IDE, but out of the box, it doesn't have much support for PHP developers. Fortunately, the PHP community made several extensions that makes VS Code a robust editor. Here's the most important extensions you need...
For the past weeks I've been working on a design overhaul of For those who don't know this website, it's a database of composer packages made for laravel. It's very useful when you are looking for a package and want to quickly...
The book of Eli est un drame apocalyptique narrant l’histoire d’un élu de dieu dont le devoir est de sauver l’humanité, dévastée par une guerre des religions, avec la dernière bible non-détruite de la planète. D’une apocalypse vue et revue et d’un r...
TLDR; With Abstract Classes, you can define default behaviours that can be inherited by subclasses. That's not possible with interfaces. The template design pattent makes use of abstract classes. It defines default behaviour in the parent class but...
I just recently setup a new VPS to install discourse. First step was to create my subdomain on cloudflare. Then I ssh'd into the VPS and start executing the discourse install commands. I was stuck on the very begining because the script said i...
The Singleton is a design pattern of class creation that garantee instanciating a single object of that class and provide a unique point of access to that object. A singleton has more or less the same pros and cons than global variables. Even if...
Ingrédients 6 oignons 4 gousses d'ail 1kg haché 1.5kg Tomates 1 poivron rouge Carottes (autant qu'on veut) Courgette (autant qu'on veut) Préparation Dans la même casserole : Faire rissoler les 6 oignons et les 4 gousses d'ail...
If you ever worked on a vuejs project, you surely one time build a list of data. And when you have this nice listing, you probably want to add a little search input on top. So that your users can type something and filter through the results. The...
I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.
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