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Routing issue with Laravel Nova and a VueJS SPA

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As I was installing Laravel Nova into one of my new projects, which is a full VueJS Single Page Application with vue-router, I encountered a weird issue: When I headed to the Nova admin panel, everything was empty. The layout is there but the cont...

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Progressive Web App with Laravel Mix

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Story short, here's how your webpack.mix.js should look like: let mix = require('laravel-mix'); let SWPrecacheWebpackPlugin = require('sw-precache-webpack-plugin'); mix.webpackConfig({ plugins: [ new SWPrecacheWebpackPlugin({...

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How I Went From No Diploma To 10k Per Month

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This is the story of my professional career. From when I was 18 year old to this day. This is my story. Get ready because it might be god damn long. School When I was 18 I started to go to the university. Well it was not really a university,...

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Super Easy Way to Authenticate an API User in Your Laravel Application Without Using Laravel Passport

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Since Laravel 5.3, Laravel Passport is the main way to authenticate an API consumer with an access token. I say it's the main way because it's the only way described in the Laravel documentation. Simply try to search "auth:api" on th...

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Recette Soupe

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Ingrédients 600 grammes de légumes divers un gros oignon ou deux petits 100 g de branches de céleri une pomme de terre ou une courgette 1L d'eau 1 cube bouillon Viande ou Légume feuilles de laurier Thym Préparation Fair...

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Being a Laravel Freelancer, Find Clients, Hire Developers

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Since 2014 I'm working as a Laravel Freelance. With the help of a good friend and associate, I was able to get two or three long term clients for which I'm working regularly. Last year I met another Laravel developer who wanted to start as a freel...

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How To Remember Your Git Credentials Forever

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Tired of always having to type your login and password when executing git pull on your server? So do I. Here's an helper command that will remember your credentials so you don't have to type anything than your pull command. This is particularl...

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about me

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I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.

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