
5 projects


Laravel, Startup, TailwindCSS

Impactful insights for meaningful companies. Meaningful insights for impactful companies.

I'm currently Consultant CTO of kray.eu, a fundraiser company from Paris



Startup, Bulma CSS, VueJS, Laravel

Low Costing Moving Agency

Demizi is a SPA website built in VueJS and Laravel. There's a pretty complex implementation of VueX to manage and complete the client's order from the beginning to the end. Payment is handled by Stripe.


Cassius App

Bulma CSS, Laravel, Startup

ERP Web Software for Lawfirm

Laravel & VueJS based platform where lawyers and clients can interract with each other regarding their business cases, exchance documents, pay for law products.

Stripe integration with SCA

Cassius App


Laravel, Startup, Personnal Project

Trouvez les vêtements qui vous vont grâce à des models à votre image. Vous aussi, devenez MODEL et recommandez vos vêtements !

Shoppez les looks de femmes chic qui vous ressemblent. Grande ou petite, rock ou classique, WeAreTheModels met en valeur toutes les formes et tous les styles.

Very big project for a French Startup built with Laravel 5 et Angular JS



Laravel, Startup

Entretiens d'embauche en ligne

MyC2V is an online hiring platform, where users upload interactiv resumes with QR Code and video attached.

Built in Laravel 4, this was my first Laravel project. Template was built with Foundation


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