
5 projects


Startup, Bulma CSS, VueJS, Laravel

Low Costing Moving Agency

Demizi is a SPA website built in VueJS and Laravel. There's a pretty complex implementation of VueX to manage and complete the client's order from the beginning to the end. Payment is handled by Stripe.


Last Mohicans Team Website

Bulma CSS, Personnal Project

Multi Gaming Team

I built this very simple, HTML only webpage just to easily find links to our discord / teamspeak server easily for the members of our community

Last Mohicans Team Website

Cassius App

Bulma CSS, Laravel, Startup

ERP Web Software for Lawfirm

Laravel & VueJS based platform where lawyers and clients can interract with each other regarding their business cases, exchance documents, pay for law products.

Stripe integration with SCA

Cassius App


Bulma CSS, Laravel

Find Professional Tools Easily

Online Catalog based on complex searching system with very specific data architecture.

Build with Laravel and Bulma


Vétérinaire Genappe

Bulma CSS

Cabinet vétérinaire Serge Bourgeois

Simple HTML website that I didn't even build myself, I was just in charge of hosting it and make it responsive.

Big work on SEO

Vétérinaire Genappe

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