Job Board for Kosovo European College
Laravel app
Impactful insights for meaningful companies. Meaningful insights for impactful companies.
I'm currently Consultant CTO of, a fundraiser company from Paris
Find The Best Laravel Packages
Built in Laravel of course, with tailwindcss.
Search engine is based on Algolia
Low Costing Moving Agency
Demizi is a SPA website built in VueJS and Laravel. There's a pretty complex implementation of VueX to manage and complete the client's order from the beginning to the end. Payment is handled by Stripe.
Tweet From your Commit Description
This is a fun little project I made in a week end. As I was building several projects and maintaining a specific twitter account for each project, I was really annoyed that I have to switch and post tweet from each account when I shipped new features. So I build a online tool to link a github repository to a twitter account. Each time you specify a commit description, it will be tweeted to the correct twitter account.
Create Private and Paid Chatgroup In a few seconds
Exclusive Chat Groups with paid membership is becoming a new trend. is a platform I built to automatically register a Slack Channel or a Discord Server and make it private.
With Stripe Connect you can setup your monthly subscription in a few seconds, then your clients can subscribe through to your chatgroup.
After I worked heavily on the super cool webpage for my own webradio, I thought it would be nice to make a SaaS from that kind of service. With you can register your webradio in a few seconds and create a unique page with a custom design and awesome audio vizualizer animations. A lot of javascript was required to build such animation, but it was worth it!
The SaaS part is build in Laravel with Cashier and Stripe
This website!
I've rewritten this blog so many times I've forgot how long I've been working on the codebase.
Since I switched to laravel though, design updates where far easier because I wasn't always changing the backend.
A very simple webapp to generate monthly timesheet
When I switched to fulltime freelancing I needed to track my days off in order to know how many billable days I worked at the end of the month. It helps me build my monthly invoice for my client and to predict my monthly revenue.
It's build in Laravel and it's completely opensource so you can use it yourself!
ERP Web Software for Lawfirm
Laravel & VueJS based platform where lawyers and clients can interract with each other regarding their business cases, exchance documents, pay for law products.
Stripe integration with SCA
A personal dashboard website I use to display some useful data
In several years I have built many different scripts to automate and help me do some personal / life stuff. In order to gather all of those script into a single place I built a dashboard website in Laravel and VueJS that I use to display my webradio, games I'm playing, weather, current tasks in my trello project, etc
Find Professional Tools Easily
Online Catalog based on complex searching system with very specific data architecture.
Build with Laravel and Bulma
Trouvez les vêtements qui vous vont grâce à des models à votre image. Vous aussi, devenez MODEL et recommandez vos vêtements !
Shoppez les looks de femmes chic qui vous ressemblent. Grande ou petite, rock ou classique, WeAreTheModels met en valeur toutes les formes et tous les styles.
Very big project for a French Startup built with Laravel 5 et Angular JS
Ecouter la radio, Hotmixradio propose 18 radios musicales gratuites
Rebuilding of hotmixradio website based on Laravel 5.2 and AngularJS 1.4.9
Entretiens d'embauche en ligne
MyC2V is an online hiring platform, where users upload interactiv resumes with QR Code and video attached.
Built in Laravel 4, this was my first Laravel project. Template was built with Foundation
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