Category Web Development

How MMORPG UI Inspired Me To Create A Job Board Website

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I used the play a lot of Video Games. I still kinda do, but when I think about it, when I was a teenager, I spent hundreds of hour playing MMORPG's. Now, I play MMO from time to time, but not very often. In the first days of conceiving the idea...

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Vagrant - Error when Configuring and Enabling Network Interfaces

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This is a weird issue that appeared few weeks ago on my Windows machine, on which I use Virtual Box and Vagrant to run & test Laravel Projects. When executing "vagrant up" in the Laravel Homestead directory, everything crashes and th...

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The 4 Roles You Should Expect From A Consultant

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Whatever you read on the web about consulting and what consultants actually do, which is a huge ton of bullet points, let me summarize it for you. Free of charge 😉 Of course, the actual complete list of tasks you should expect from a consultant g...

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How To Convert A Video File To GIF with PHP

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First you will need to install the linux package ffmpeg sudo apt-get install ffmpeg In your PHP Project, install the php-ffmpeg package composer require php-ffmpeg/php-ffmpeg Assuming you have the full local path of the video to co...

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How To Build A Super Light Flash Notification Component In VueJS And Laravel

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Today another tutorial where we are going to build a flash notification system for your VueJS application. It works both with Single Page Application (vue-router) and with classic Laravel app with a bit of VueJS components 😉 This is almost an all...

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TOP 10 Most Essential Laravel Nova Packages

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The truth is that, even if there are hundreds of Nova Packages out there, I really don't think they are that useful . They may make your life easier, and they may even be a requirement from your client. So I'll try to spare you some time if you're...

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How to build a Single Facet Refinement Toggle Component in Algolia Instant Search with VueJS

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One the biggest struggle I've had while building Find A Maker was the implementation of the roles toggle button that filters the jobs thanks to Algolia Instant Search with VueJS. The defaut Facet Refinement component allow you to build a list of...

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about me

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I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.

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