Big headache problem that I encountered on some client's project, where I had to build a custom tool to import big ass excel files in the backoffice. When the excel is being imported, we erase everything in the database and insert every entry ag...
In this first PHP Lesson serie, we will cover what could be one of the first thing that any programmer must understand. It's probably the most basic yet complicated thing about programming, and it will help you greatly to understand how any framewor...
It's the second time in my carreer as a Laravel Developer that I had to struggle against this, so I decided to write the solution down for my future self 😅 First of all, here's what we are trying to achieve: now()->format('F'); // expected...
Looking for the TOP 10 Most Essential Laravel Nova Packages? Click here! Laravel is a well known PHP Framework, super popular, with thousands of extraordinary features. Each year, Taylor Otwell (the creator of Laravel) releases new tools and p...
First you need to install certbot via their github repository. Next, run this command line in the certbot folder: ./certbot-auto certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns-01 --email [email protected] --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.or...
I've recently switched to Tailwind CSS and I must say it's really good ! Mainly because you can build anything and you have much more freedom than if you were using Bootstrap or Bulma. As for, tailwind css does not provide any Javascript....
This is a remastered version of my previous tutorials How To Build An Efficient and SEO Friendly Multilingual Architecture For Your Laravel Application and Laravel 5 And His F*cking non-persistent App SetLocale . This update was needed so we co...
I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.
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