Category Personnal

Building your empire starts with small rocks

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A ambitious man sees a castle on the horizon. He wants to have a big castle too. He goes to an old, wise man and tells him, "you see this castle ? I want the same one. I want my own empire". The wise man thinks for a second and says &q...

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How To Start Meditation - A Guide For Scrum Users

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A good friend came to me the other day and told me he wanted to start meditation. His problem, he said, was that as soon as he's trying to start and to empty his mind, he starts thinking about random stuff. I have the same issue. And I think most...

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Macaronis Saumon Fumé et Légumes Verts

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Ingrédients 300g saumon fumé 1 courgette 1 poireau 1 brocoli Ciboulette 1 oignon Ail 200g fromage fondu à tartiner (philadelphia / madame loïk) 250ml crème légère 400g macaronis huile d'olive Bouillon légume sel et poivre...

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My 2 cents on relationships

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You know when you meet someone who's single, you are trying to console them by saying things like "don't worry, there is a person for everyone". No matter who you are, there's somewhere, someone right for you. I don't think so I think...

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How To Remain Up To Date With Agile and Scrum Methodologies

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So you just read everything there is to read about Scrum and Agile, you passed the Scrum Master Certification, everything is great, you're a wonderful Scrum Master in your team. Congratulations! But now, you have to remember all of this, durin...

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My Most Important Motto

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The Journey Itself Is The Point

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Recette pour petits pains

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Il y a déjà quelques mois j'ai commencé à faire mon pain moi même grace à une machine à pain relativement classique. Je suis devenu un gros fan de mon pain que je trouve bien meilleur que celui du super marché, et qui me coute du coup 5x moins cher....

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about me

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I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.

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