Today I offer you a small set of quotes from the famous french author Bernard Werber. These are initially in french so I'm going to translate them for you :) FR : Ne te plains pas de l'obscurité. Deviens une petite lumière. EN : Do not comp...
I've always wanted to store somewhere a compilation of all quotes, speeches and poems that I'm inspired by. It seems that this blog is the perfect spot. So I'll start a series of articles under a new category : Life Lessons. Feel free to be inspir...
Ask yourself this question: is it better to have the skeleton inside or outside the body ? When the skeleton is outside your body, it shapes a protective shield around your body. The flesh is safe from any external danger but becomes flange and al...
Notre condition d’être vivant pourrait se définir par un simple concept : le libre arbitre. Si la plupart des philosophes sont d'accord sur ce principe fondamental, peu se concentrent sur les conséquences d'une telle fatalité: La rencontre incessant...
Hello guys, I am currently buidling this website using only opensource technologies and tools. This blog is actually an opensource project itself, based on the famous PHP Framework Laravel 5 . The purpose of this project is to provide a full fe...
Hey folks Welcome to this new website ! If it's not the first time you came here on, you know that I was once used to run a blog about cinema, essay, technologies, etc. During the years these websites were lost, then up again, ang lost...
Il était une fois, un tailleur de pierre qui en avait assez de s'épuiser à creuser la montagne sous les rayons du soleil brûlants. " J'en ai marre de cette vie. Tailler, tailler la pierre, c'est éreintant... et ce soleil, toujours ce soleil....
I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.
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