Category Web Development

To use a package or to build it from scratch ?

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Many times in your awesome developer life, when you're starting to think about how you're going to build the next feature for a website, you wonder "is there a package for that ?". And most of the time, there is one! Should you use one...

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The Feeling of Getting Your First Customer

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LOOK MA'! FIRST CUSTOMER!! As you way know I've been working a lot on , a SaaS app that allows webradio owners to create and manage unique looking, responsive, audio players, with awesome audio visualizers. For a long time it was...

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Building A Successful Startup Alone Is Hard

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In 2013 I launched my first Startup. It was quite a big deal. I was only 21 and I quit my job after only one year (it was my first job). The Startup wasn't too original, it was basically a web agency for other startups in Paris... We were 2 frie...

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VueJS Tooltip and PurgeCSS might give you some troubles in production

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While I'm currently working on my new project , I noticed a strange behavior in production. To put things into context, I'm using Laravel Mix Purge Css by Spatie , a laravel-mix plugin that lighten your css files. And I'm also us...

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Routing issue with Laravel Nova and a VueJS SPA

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As I was installing Laravel Nova into one of my new projects, which is a full VueJS Single Page Application with vue-router, I encountered a weird issue: When I headed to the Nova admin panel, everything was empty. The layout is there but the cont...

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Progressive Web App with Laravel Mix

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Story short, here's how your webpack.mix.js should look like: let mix = require('laravel-mix'); let SWPrecacheWebpackPlugin = require('sw-precache-webpack-plugin'); mix.webpackConfig({ plugins: [ new SWPrecacheWebpackPlugin({...

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How I Went From No Diploma To 10k Per Month

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This is the story of my professional career. From when I was 18 year old to this day. This is my story. Get ready because it might be god damn long. School When I was 18 I started to go to the university. Well it was not really a university,...

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about me

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I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.

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