How To Build A Super Light Flash Notification Component In VueJS And Laravel
Today another tutorial where we are going to build a flash notification system for your VueJS application. It works both with Single Page Application (vue-router) and with classic Laravel app with a bit of VueJS components π
This is almost an all-in-one component that will work directly after installation. The only thing you'll need to do is to implement the different level css classes. The notification will fade in on your screen and disappear after 10 seconds.
Alright let's start.
Create a new notification component and register it globally.
// app.js
Vue.component('notification', require('./components/Notification.vue'));
// Notification.vue
<div class="flash notification" :class="[
levelClass, isOpen ? isVisibleClass : ''
<button class="delete" @click="isOpen = false"></button>
{{ messageText }}
export default {
props: ['level', 'message'],
data() {
return {
isOpen: false,
isVisibleClass: 'is-visible',
closeAfter: 10000,// 10 seconds, you can change that
levelClass: null,
messageText: null
created() {
if (this.level) {
this.levelClass = 'is-' + this.level;
if (this.message) {
this.messageText = this.message;
let self = this;$on(
'flash', data => self.flash(data)
methods: {
flash(data) {
if (data) {
this.messageText = data.message;
this.levelClass = 'is-' + data.level;
let self = this;
setTimeout(() => {
self.isOpen = true;
}, 100);
hide() {
let self = this;
setTimeout(() => {
self.isOpen = false;
}, self.closeAfter);
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.flash.notification {
z-index: 99999999999;
position: fixed;
bottom: 30px;
right: 30px;
opacity: 0;
transform: translate(100%);
transition: all 0.8s ease-in-out;
&.is-visible {
transform: translate(0);
opacity: 1;
Register a global helper to trigger your notification from any vuejs component
// app.js = new Vue();
window.flash = function (message, level = 'success') {$emit('flash', { message, level });
The default level class of your flash notification will be "is-success", but you can of course do whatever you like better.
This next and final part will differ depending if you are building a SPA or if you are injecting VueJS components inside a Laravel-server-rendered application.
In your layout file:
<!-- layout.blade.php -->
@foreach (session('flash_notification', collect())->toArray() as $message)
<notification level="{{ $message['level'] }}" message="{!! $message['message'] !!}"></notification>
{{ session()->forget('flash_notification') }}
If you're building a SPA, you only need the <notification></notification>
First, make sure that you implemented some CSS styles for the different level classes:
.is-success { background-color: green; }
.is-danger { background-color: red; }
If you're working with bulma then you don't have to do anything as the css is already adapted π
// Error
flash('There was an error, please try again!', 'danger');
// Success
flash('Your profile was successfully updated!', 'success');
// Warning
flash('Do not forget to change your password once in a while.', 'warning');
// etc.
If you're using laracasts/flash
// Error
flash('There was an error, please try again!', 'danger');
// Success
flash('Your profile was successfully updated!', 'success');
// Warning
flash('Do not forget to change your password once in a while.', 'warning');
Exactly the same thing π
And if you're using the default flash notification feature of Laravel then you know what to do !
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