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How To Log Eloquent Database Queries In Laravel

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Today I was trying to debug a big Eloquent Query in one of my Laravel Applications, and I couldn't understand what was the issue. I wrote a feature test and hit the route endpoint to trigger the controller's code, to check the values returned by t...

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How to Deploy Laravel Application on Dev and Production Based on Different Branches With Laravel Envoy

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So my typical workflow when working on a client's application is to have a "dev" environment on my server, and the production environment is sometimes also on my server. I push my code on the branch "develop" of the project's g...

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My Most Important Motto

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The Journey Itself Is The Point

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Recette pour petits pains

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Il y a déjà quelques mois j'ai commencé à faire mon pain moi même grace à une machine à pain relativement classique. Je suis devenu un gros fan de mon pain que je trouve bien meilleur que celui du super marché, et qui me coute du coup 5x moins cher....

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Development & Server Setup 2019

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When I started developping and it's search module, I quickly noticed that Algolia was not going to be enough for this project. There are dozen of hundreds laravel packages out there that I needed to index. I naturally checked E...

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Recette Gratin de pâtes aux poireaux

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Ingrédients 1 oignon 3 blancs de poireaux Huile d'olive brins de thym 400g de pâtes courtes (conchigliettes / pennes) 250g ricotta 1 gousse d'ail 80g parmesan Sel et poivre Lardons ou poulet fumé en morceaux Préparation P...

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PHP Course : SOLID - Dependency Inversion

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Last but not least, the Dependency Inversion Principle! There is a common misunderstanding that "Dependency Inversion" is similar to "dependency injection." However, the two are not the same, as I explained in What Is Dependen...

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about me

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I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.

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