Il était une fois, un tailleur de pierre qui en avait assez de s'épuiser à creuser la montagne sous les rayons du soleil brûlants. " J'en ai marre de cette vie. Tailler, tailler la pierre, c'est éreintant... et ce soleil, toujours ce soleil....
Several weeks ago, I started to use vagrant in order to work on my Laravel Projects. The purpose was to avoid wamp bugs , and mostly avoid having to run Server Side technologies on a windows OS... Now, if the setup of the Vagrant software is st...
While working on a new project at work I had to create a custom form input. The goal was to have a select list of the days of the week. If there is already a form method to do so with the Months of the year, there's no default method for the weekday...
« Bon, il faut que je vous parle des Barons... ». Chaque être humain naît avec un certain compteur de pas qui lui est propre. Une fois ce nombre dépassé, on meurt. Et les barons le savent depuis le début et donc économisent leurs pas en « glandant...
Did you ever feel anxious about deploying a large application in production for the first time ? You are afraid that there are still some bugs somewhere, because you don't have a full testing team to report everything to you ? And you wonder : "...
In the previous domotic posts, we have seen how to use the Raspberry Pi like a broadcasting radio stream. Now, this is great to listen to you music from anywhere, using a computer or an audio software. But if you want to listen to your radio str...
Update: A new and better way to build a Like System in Laravel is described in this article Yo yo guys ! Today I'll be giving you a new tutorial on how to build a quite simple "Like" system onto your Laravel 5 application. This "...
What I was attempting to do here, is to use my Pi to access the musics stored on my NAS (Synology), and play the music files, in order to stream the audio flux to an Icecast Server. Now, you may of course need the Icecast Server, and I personally...
If, like me, you own a Synology server and a raspberry pi, and they are both connected to your local network, you might want to find a way to access the Synology shared folders, from your Pi. Should be easy right ? Indeed it is, and they are sev...
After upgrading to the very nice Windows 10, you might experience some problem regarding WAMP Server. For my part, I got a lot of troubles trying to starting wamp. The little icon in the taskbar wouldn't go green ... Also, when I performed a fre...
"C'est tellement plus facile de sourire plutôt que d'être heureux" <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
Cette semaine est sorti le nouveau clip de BRNS, dans lequel joue Martin Colet, mon beau-frère ! Son interprétation est totalement géniale et a fait rire toute la famille :) Du coup, je partage un maximum.. Des bises <iframe width="560" he...
Notre condition d’être vivant pourrait se définir par un simple concept : le libre arbitre. Si la plupart des philosophes sont d'accord sur ce principe fondamental, peu se concentrent sur les conséquences d'une telle fatalité: La rencontre incessant...
Helloooo everyone and welcome to the first part of House Configuration Project ! Ok I know, there is nobody here.. Let me imagine being famous for a while.. It's been a while since I wanted to start my own domotic configuration, and begin to c...
Avec "Avatar", James Cameron nous fait visiter le paradis. Durant plus de 2 heures et demi époustouflantes et très touchantes, ce spectacle explosant vous en mettra plein la vue en vous plongeant dans un monde imaginaire, tout en mettant...
I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.
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