When developping a web application you are probably working with users, and those users can maybe create content on your plateform by filling forms, etc. Or maybe you're simply building a blog with posts. Either way you most likely worked with som...
Vous le voyez ? Vous voyez ce lapin étrange qui tire la langue ? N'est-il pas terrifiant ? Avouez ! Ce matin, alors que je mangeais un délicieux bol de ces Nesquik, mon regard s'est fixé sur le regard de Nesquik le Terrible et une soudaine révélat...
Every developer, when working on a project, start at some point wandering about the performances of his application. In the Laravel world, the most frequent question you may have is "are my sql queries fast enough ?". If Eloquent is doing...
As it may seem an easy thing to do, and to be honnest : it is, creating environment variables in your Homestead Virtual Machine is something you cannot find in the documentation. While it is missing from the official Laravel Documentation, you can...
Alongside Laravel 5.4 update, a new tool came up : Laravel Dusk. If you were used to run tests on your Laravel application, and particularly "Feature tests", you are most likely used to write test cases in which you can actually fill for...
Here is a basic guideline to help you reminder some important things when estimating a Project Budget. What's a Project Budget ? The total "projected" costs to complete a project during a specific period of time with a specific result....
I encountered a small issue last week, while updating my music library. I noticed that some new mp3 files that I added were corrupted and thus could not be read by my radio. The problem is that I do not remember what song exactly is corrupted and...
There is quite an amount of work behind my radio stream . I download lots of new music file everyday, and at some point, I need to transfer all these mp3 files to my NAS, in order to add the new songs to the pool of songs used by the Pi Radio ....
Today I'll show a bit of python that could help you remotely manage your Android device. The goal here is to setup an SSH connection between a Raspberry Pi and an Android device in order to transfer files from your local environment (a NAS for examp...
The tell of a journey of self-discovery, acceptance and growth. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/yfmK7o2s45g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
So if you have a LED that should be powered by 3.2v and 0.024 amps, and a 9v battery, the calculation should be: (9 - 3.2) / 0.024 And that gives you 240 ohms Bonus : Watts Calculation If you want to calculate the watts of...
Espoir... Je suis désolé, mais je ne veux pas être empereur, ce n’est pas mon affaire. Je ne veux ni conquérir, ni diriger personne. Je voudrais aider tout le monde dans la mesure du possible, juifs, chrétiens, païens, blancs et noirs. Nous voudri...
Ingrédients 1 Oignon 1 Courgette 1 Poivron Lardons (100g) Pâte feuilletée 2 ou 3 œufs Lait Crème légère Farine Sel / Poivre Fromage de Chèvre Fromage rappé Huile d'olive Préparation Ajouter l'oignon, la courgette et...
Of course I’ll hurt you. Of course you’ll hurt me. Of course we will hurt each other. But this is the very condition of existence. To become spring, means accepting the risk of winter. To become presence, means accepting the risk of absence. It is a...
Several months ago I wrote an article on How to create a Simple Like System For Laravel . In the comment of this article, a cool guy asked me about using a "Many to Many Polymorphic Relationship" for this "Like" logic. I found...
I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.
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