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PHP Course : SOLID - Liskov Substitution

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Third principle in this SOLID serie, the Liskov Substitution principle was imagined by Barbara Liskov. Definition Mathematical definition: Let q(x) be a property provable about object x of type T. Then q(y) should be provable for objects y o...

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PHP Course : SOLID - Open-Closed

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The second principle of S O LID is called Open-Closed , and helps developer to mature well designed code. This is a confusing one, but I'll try to make it easy to grasp. Definition First of all, this principle states that entities should be...

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Comfort Zone

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Success happens out of your comfort zone.

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PHP Course : SOLID - Single Responsibility

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Have you ever heard about SOLID ? It is a collection of several Programming Principles that help developers write better code. There are five letters in SOLID, and each stand for a specific principle. In this article we will start with the first...

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Dealing with Very Long Requests in Laravel

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Big headache problem that I encountered on some client's project, where I had to build a custom tool to import big ass excel files in the backoffice. When the excel is being imported, we erase everything in the database and insert every entry ag...

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PHP Course : What Is Dependency Injection

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In this first PHP Lesson serie, we will cover what could be one of the first thing that any programmer must understand. It's probably the most basic yet complicated thing about programming, and it will help you greatly to understand how any framewor...

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How To Localize Formatted Dates with Laravel And Carbon

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It's the second time in my carreer as a Laravel Developer that I had to struggle against this, so I decided to write the solution down for my future self 😅 First of all, here's what we are trying to achieve: now()->format('F'); // expected...

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about me

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I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.

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