Category Personnal

Life Lessons Episode 02 - Quotes From Bernard Werber

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Today I offer you a small set of quotes from the famous french author Bernard Werber. These are initially in french so I'm going to translate them for you :) FR : Ne te plains pas de l'obscurité. Deviens une petite lumière. EN : Do not comp...

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Life Lessons Episode 01

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I've always wanted to store somewhere a compilation of all quotes, speeches and poems that I'm inspired by. It seems that this blog is the perfect spot. So I'll start a series of articles under a new category : Life Lessons. Feel free to be inspir...

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To Be Strong On The Outside Or On The Inside ?

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Ask yourself this question: is it better to have the skeleton inside or outside the body ? When the skeleton is outside your body, it shapes a protective shield around your body. The flesh is safe from any external danger but becomes flange and al...

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Combattre, refouler, fuir

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Notre condition d’être vivant pourrait se définir par un simple concept : le libre arbitre. Si la plupart des philosophes sont d'accord sur ce principe fondamental, peu se concentrent sur les conséquences d'une telle fatalité: La rencontre incessant...

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Informations about this website

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Hello guys, I am currently buidling this website using only opensource technologies and tools. This blog is actually an opensource project itself, based on the famous PHP Framework Laravel 5 . The purpose of this project is to provide a full fe...

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So, this is new !

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Hey folks Welcome to this new website ! If it's not the first time you came here on, you know that I was once used to run a blog about cinema, essay, technologies, etc. During the years these websites were lost, then up again, ang lost...

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Le Petit Tailleur de Pierre

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Il était une fois, un tailleur de pierre qui en avait assez de s'épuiser à creuser la montagne sous les rayons du soleil brûlants. " J'en ai marre de cette vie. Tailler, tailler la pierre, c'est éreintant... et ce soleil, toujours ce soleil....

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about me

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I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.

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