Hey! A new version of this tutorial is available ! In the new one, I use Spatie's translatable package, and I provide a cleaner and better implementation! Go to the new tutorial ! ! This article was updated to match Laravel 5.4 One day I wr...
Several months ago I wrote an article on How to create a Simple Like System For Laravel . In the comment of this article, a cool guy asked me about using a "Many to Many Polymorphic Relationship" for this "Like" logic. I found...
In AngularJS there one thing that you cannot do properly: Call a controller's method from another controller. In order to do that you must use $broadcast() and $watch() in both controllers. In my opinion, you should avoid using all these $ methods f...
It's been several months that PHP 7 was released, and the latests frameworks already upgraded to be compatible with this version. Laravel Homestead, the OOTB server environment is now up to date as well, so all your new projects will run on a PHP...
You are running a website that contains a bit of advertisments, exactly like this blog, hoping that it will be enough to cover your hosting costs, but it's not working very well because most of your visitors do not see these ads ? Especially thanks...
Angular.js is probably the most known Javascript Framework, at close range with React.js A few months ago I started to learn about Angular, and I've made a brand new website from scratch, at my job. So we can say I turbo-learned this framework. I...
Several weeks ago, I started to use vagrant in order to work on my Laravel Projects. The purpose was to avoid wamp bugs , and mostly avoid having to run Server Side technologies on a windows OS... Now, if the setup of the Vagrant software is st...
I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.
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