SOLID Principles

Learn Everything About The Most Used Design Patterns in PHP

PHP Course : SOLID - Single Responsibility

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Have you ever heard about SOLID ? It is a collection of several Programming Principles that help developers write better code. There are five letters in SOLID, and each stand for a specific principle. In this article we will start with the first...

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PHP Course : SOLID - Open-Closed

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The second principle of S O LID is called Open-Closed , and helps developer to mature well designed code. This is a confusing one, but I'll try to make it easy to grasp. Definition First of all, this principle states that entities should be...

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PHP Course : SOLID - Liskov Substitution

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Third principle in this SOLID serie, the Liskov Substitution principle was imagined by Barbara Liskov. Definition Mathematical definition: Let q(x) be a property provable about object x of type T. Then q(y) should be provable for objects y o...

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PHP Course : SOLID - Interface Segregation

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"Interface Segregation"... what the hell does that mean now... It seems like all those principles were named to bring more confusion than clarity right ? Yet they are very easy to understand once you look at the right example. This one i...

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PHP Course : SOLID - Dependency Inversion

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Last but not least, the Dependency Inversion Principle! There is a common misunderstanding that "Dependency Inversion" is similar to "dependency injection." However, the two are not the same, as I explained in What Is Dependen...

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I consider myself as an IT Business Artisan. Or Consultant CTO. I'm a self-taught Web Developper, coach and teacher. My main work is helping and guiding digital startups.

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